Support pack


ICT SUPPORT PACK is a technical support insurance service.
However, this is an optional service.

FREE for first setting
¥650 per month.

The cost is 650 yen, which will be added to your monthly bill starting from the second month. ※Tax Not Included.(with out Tax)

Customers who require VPN support can take advantage of the ICT Support Pack to receive a free VPN router rental.

Visiting support fee:

If you encounter a technical issue and request a technician visit, the usual fee is 7,000 yen. However, with the ICT Support Pack, the fee is reduced to less than 3,000 yen.

Flexible Contract:

If you feel the service is unnecessary, you can cancel the ICT Support Pack starting six months after the installation date.

Visiting support fee

Fees vary by location, from Yokosuka, Hayama, and Zushi areas to other parts of Kanagawa Prefecture.
※Tax Not Included.(with out Tax)

screen can be scrolled.
AREA (Visit)ICT Support packOther customers
Yokosuka, Hayama Zushi
Yokohana-Kanazana-Ku area
Kamakura, Miura area
Other Kanagawa area¥7,000¥13,000

Support at ICTstation

Router setup support ranges from free to ¥5,000 depending on your contract status.
※Tax Not Included.(with out Tax)

ICT support pack customers
screen can be scrolled.
ICT customersOCN customersOther customers

*Since this is an insurance service, it cannot be added after the initial setup.
If the issue is caused by us or related to the optical fiber, the fee will most likely be waived. However, if the issue is due to something you did with the modem, your household setup, or your device, the technician visit fee will apply.